Linux Up-Skill Challenge
These are my notes from the challenge
I'm sure they will be raw and un-edited.
Day 0
- Linode, $5/mo VPS
- Created new kdbx
- About 1 minute to create (45.56.xx.xx)
- SSH as root
- apt update && apt upgrade
- add user dom ( adduser dom usermod -a -G sudo dom
- disable root usermod -p “!” root
Day 1 – used ssh-copy-id to move public key (already had one)
Day 2 – Basic nav – Updated PS1 (in ~/.bashrc) to say “LINODE”
Runbook : fix kdbx password?
- create new kdb file with root and dom
- Use linode website to change root password to something new
- ssh as root
- use passwd command to change dom's PW
passwd dom
- verify that i can still access the new db
- remove old kdb file
Day 3 – sudo -i to 'become' root, prompt changes and everything – /var/log/auth.log has login and sudo attempts / failures – interesting to use tail -f to see attempts in real time
Day 4 –
apt-cache search "midnight commander"
<— how is this different than “apt search
”? – midnight commander “mc” pretty powerful and not too confusing – navigate, copy, view, set up to edit withvim.tiny
– lots of interesting config files in/etc/<appname>
(including formc
), the apt source lists is on there – some interesting logs under/var/log
– play hangman
Day 5 Five fundamental topics:
I never use
, but I am quite familiar withless
, which has Vim-style key bindings. Usingmore
, I am not quite sure when I would use it overless
, but I'm going to try to understand how to use it better now.
tab completion history hidden files/config files nano/text editing
Day 6 Vim ... I think I know Vim. Links:
Day 7 (not on reddit Feb 17, 2021)
Used apt to install apache2 (updated first). It's automatically running after this. Config files in /etc (DocumentRoot shows path for hosted site content), logs in /var.
Day 8
- cut -d “delimiter”
- -f “field”
cut -f 10- -d" "~
- Google “linux sed tricks” or “awk one liners”
TODO Continue with sed
and awk
Day 9 – netstat wasn't installed – used ufw to add some basic allow rules for http and ssh, enbaled then disabled it – Don't have a solid understanding of this, need to study more
UFW – Uncomplicated Firewall ( Collection of basic Linux Firewall iptables rules ( 10 Netstat Command Example ( UFW Uncomplicated Firewall () (video) How to install nftables in Ubuntu (
Day 10 CRON – systemwide cron table:
systemd timers:systemctl list-timers
Day 11 Finally caught up to the class
- locate
- find
25 find tricks (useful bookmark for beginnners):
I learned how to actually specify the size and mtime, and about
ls -s
- grep
- which
Day 11 SFTP – I guess i know this pretty well, from work –
$ scp WSL_Meme.jpg
Day 13 -w = remove write +r = add read +x = add execute
u = owning user only g = owning group only o = 'other' ... everyone else a = “all” (ugo)
equals can be used to assign, examples:
chmod g= file #sets the group permissions to none
chmod u=r file #sets the user permissions to read only (remove any execute or write)
can also assign multiples:
chmod og=rw # set other and group to 'rw'
Day 14 Adding a new (lesser-privledge) user:
not necessary on this distro
Use visudo
to edit suoders file to allow ONLY reboot to be run with sudo by new user, and without a password!
# Allow user "helen" to run "sudo reboot"
# ...and don't prompt for a password
helen ALL = NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
Interesting note: Linode sends me a notification when the box reboots
Gonna try to set up SSH key for new user, kind of unsure how this will work.
Very cool to know about the ssh config file
Googled key creation: whoops, forgot this from above (like day 2 or something) > – used ssh-copy-id to move public key (already had one) Note to self: don't try to just manually copy the public key, use that tool instead.
Day 15 Fully-caught up with the class, after three days. Package manager stuff.
List every package in the cache:
apt-cache dump | grep Package:
98,655 possible packages in apt-cache (on my host machine)
91,005 packages on the server
install netperf on server, need to enable multiverse? first
Actually already enabled, check out the sources.list file.
ppa == personal package archive
- Will seldom have good reasons for hooking into more than one or two extra repositories
- Need to read up about a repository first, to understand any potential disadvantages.
Day 16 Basic
stuff.tar cvf <filename> <files to compress>, tar xvf <filename>
bz2 = slower, small (similar to lzma, but less small/less slow)
Day 17 configure & make stuff In general /bin is for key parts of the operating system, /usr/bin for less critical utilities and /usr/local/bin for software you've chosed to manually install yourself.
Day 18
. Never dealt with this before.pretty interesting, i like how this generalizes to all different types of log-producing programs and is very flexible. makes me wonder a little bit more about the Linux app install process and how these logrotate files are written ... is that something i'd seen in a 'make install'?
Day 19
VFS – virtual filesystem one level of indirection between files and filesystem inodes
ls - li
Note that the permissions on a symlink generally show as allowing everthing – but what matters is the permission of the file it points to. The Differences
Hard links:
Only link to a file, not a directory Can't reference a file on a different disk/volume Links will reference a file even if it is moved Links reference inode/physical locations on the disk
Symbolic (soft) links:
Can link to directories Can reference a file/folder on a different hard disk/volume Links remain if the original file is deleted Links will NOT reference the file anymore if it is moved Links reference abstract filenames/directories and NOT physical locations. They have their own inode
Day 20 Scripting. Shell = command interpreter
shell script: – save typing – flexibility thru parameters – automation – error-prevention – consistency
Shebang: 'feed the rest into specified program which will treat it as a script' (tested this with a quick test program/script, very cool!)
$ cat a.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char** argv) { --argc; while (argc > 0) cout << argv[argc--]; }
``` $ cat a.test #!/home/dom/dev/test
$ clang++ a.cpp
$ mv a.out test
$ ./a.test running my test script scripttestmyrunning./a.test ```
Day 21